Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/269

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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171. Ibid., 3–7. For examples of the subsequent import attached to the Declaration of 1957, cf., "The Statement of Conference of Representatives of Communist and Workers' Parties," The Current Digest of the Soviet Press (Vol XII, No. 4B, 28 Dec 1960, and No. 49, 4 Jan 1961), No. 49, p. 6, which refers to the "1957 Declaration" and quotes the cited text verbatim; also Foreign Broadcast Information Service Bulletin, "Nhan Dan Views Moscow, Party Statements" (13 January 1961, p. EE 9 ff.), which relates the proceedings of the Lao Dong's Third Party Congress (September, 1960) to the 1960 Moscow Conference, and to the "declaration of 1957."

172. Quoted in Honey, Communism in North Vietnam, op. cit.

173. E .g. Bernard B. Fall, "Power and Pressure Groups in North Vietnam," China Quarterly (No.9, January-March 1961), 38–39; P. J. Honey, "The Position of the DRV Leadership and the Succession to Ho Chi Minh," ibid., 32–34.

174. Honey, Communism in North Vietnam, op. cit., 59.

175. Ibid., 61–62.

176. Zagoria, op. cit., 102–103.

177. Cooper, et al., Case Studies in Insurgency …, op. cit., 77–80.

178. Ibid.

179. Modelski, "The Viet Minh Complex," op. cit., 200–201.

180. Fall, "Two Viet-Nams," op. cit., 63, 66–71; U.S. Department of State, Political Alliance of Vietnamese Nationalists, (Office of Intelligence Research, Report No. 3708, October 1, 1949), 66–67, quoting the Factual Record of the August Revolution (Hanoi, September, 1946).

181. CIA, Biographic Handbook, op. cit.; Modelski, op. cit., 202–203.

182. Ibid., 207–210.

183. CIA, "The Organization, Activities, and Objectives of the Communist Front in South Vietnam," Intelligence Memorandum 1603/66, 26 September 1966; CIA, memorandum, "The Organization, Activities, and Objectives …," dated 7 September 1965; CIA, "… Evidence of North Vietnamese Violation of the Geneva Agreements on Vietnam," op. cit., Section I, II.

184. Ibid.

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