Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part IV. A. 5.djvu/271

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

TOP SECRET – Sensitive

Lao, for the U.S . began to receive reports of renewed NVA operations in Laos from multiple sources, including a Pathet Lao defector and a Polish ICC member. By mid-1963, NVA strength was over 10. battalions, with some 5000 to 7000 men plus 3,000 advisers, and new arms and supplies were arriving constantly. For example, members of the Polish ICC team in Hanoi, told their counterparts in Laos in August 1963 that the DRV was dispatching daily shipments of military equipment into Laos, a/and in February 1964 a Pathet Lao officer in southern Laos stated that the DRV was shipping in new and heavier arms, including tanks. b/

a/ Central Intelligence Agency, CIA/TDCSDB 3657725, 4 November 1963, cited in "North Vietnamese Violations…"

b/ CIA/TDCS 3572046 of 4 February 1964, in ibid.

201. Central Intelligence Agency, "Sihanouk's Cambodia" (National Intelligence Estimate 57–66, 6 October 1966), para. 23–27; CIA, NIS 43C, op. cit., SNIE 57-67, op. cit.; U.S . Department of State, "Chronology on Vietnam," op. cit.

202. Fall, Two Viet-Nams, op. cit., 399–401.

203. U.S. Department of State, A Threat to the Peace, op. cit., II, 2–3.

204. Ibid., 3.

205. Ibid., 3–5.

206. "Statement of Conference of World Communist Parties - II," The Current Digest of the Soviet Press (Vol. XII, No. 49, Jan. 4, 1961), 3–11.

207. Foreign Broadcast Information Service Bulletin (North Vietnam, January 13, 1961).

208. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., A Thousand Days (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1965), 302–303.

209. E.g., Speech by Honorable Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense, Before the Fellows of the American Bar Foundation Dinner, Chicago, February 17, 1962 (Department of Defense, Office of Public Affairs, Release No. 239–62).

210. Ibid., Schlesinger, loc. cit.; Modelski, op. cit., 198, quotes Soviet News, London (January 21, 1961, 43–44.

TOP SECRET – Sensitive