Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. A. Vol. I. B.djvu/4

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

  1. Page
  2. 10.
    Dulles summarizes U.S. position on Indochina in light of Geneva: communization of the civil war; U.S. intervention; French armistice; collective security; possibility of U.S. intervention (7 May 1954)
  3. 11.
    Eisenhower assesses progress at the Geneva Conference; cites plans for collective security arrangement in Southeast Asia (5 May 1954)
  4. 12.
    Eisenhower reaffirms his "domino" concerns in response to press questioning (12 May 1954)
  5. 13.
    Secretary of State Dulles analyzes developments to date in Indochina; he discusses the conditions under which U.S. would intervene directly (11 June 1954)
  6. 14.
    Eisenhower states U.S. position on Geneva Accords (21 July 1954)
  7. 15.
    Text of the declaration (21 July 1954)
  8. 16.
    U.S.-French communique announcing desire to aid directly the newly independent states of Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam (29 September 1954)
  9. 17.
    Eisenhower informs President of Vietnam's Council that aid will be conditioned on his government's giving the U.S. "assurance as to standard of performance" (23 October 1954)
  10. 18.
    Eisenhower notes but questions the moderation in Soviet policy; refers to Diem's successes in South Vietnam (21 April 1956)
  11. 19.
    Assistant Secretary of State Robertson restates American policy in Vietnam at a time of relative stability (1 June 1956)
  12. 20.
    Eisenhower emphasizes role of aid program in achieving Asian goals; cites susceptibility of underdeveloped nations to communist probings (21 May 1957)
  13. 21.
    Eisenhower justifies foreign aid to American people as necessary for U.S. security; cites its "returns" in Vietnam (21 May 1957)
  14. 22.
    Eisenhower reports to the nation on the Red Chinese shelling of Quemoy; relates U.S. security interests to Formosa; cites lesson of Munich and the militant statements of Chinese Communists as requiring a firm U.S. stand (11 September 1958)