Page:Pentagon-Papers-Part V. B. 3. a.djvu/64

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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

19 JAN 1953


SUBJECT: Broadening the Participation of the United States in the Indochina Operation

In the memorandum of 14 November 1952 to the Secretary of Defense, concerning the Report of the Five Power Conference on Southeast Asia, the Joint Chiefs of Staff advised that, from a military viewpoint, it was desirable to aid the French to speed development of indigenous combat forces and to improve the supporting logistical and operating facilities.

Since an effective French-supported offensive in Indochina has failed to materialize and a continued stalemate is indicated, the Joint Secretaries have been requested, by memorandum, to consider United States support of a material augmentation of Vietnam Forces in Indochina. A copy of this memorandum is attached.

It is requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff also undertake a reexamination of United States participation in the Indochina operation, giving special consideration to training of indigenous forces and maintenance of United States supplied equipment by United States personnel.

(signed) William C. Foster
Deputy Secretary of Defense

1 Attachment
Memo to Joint Secretaries
(copy) dtd 19 Jan at bottom of page

cc: OISA