Page:Peregrinaggio di tre giovani figliuoli del re di Serendippo.djvu/119

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He told him the story from the beginning and the secrets that he had learned from the three wayfarers, and reminded him of the false accusation by the disloyal counselor and the malicious Sultana. After he had told him of the many punishments, he had given the wicked man using the secrets, he begged his father to spare their lives and banish him and the Sultana from his realm. Especially since he had promised to take the counselor's daughter for his wife, he implored him also not to want to turn her life into a perpetual state of weeping about the death of her father.

When Rammo had spoken these words, the Sultan could not contain the sweet tears and embraced him tightly. His heart was filled with burning resentment against the counselor and the Sultana, but nevertheless he left the revenge entirely up to the judgment of his son.

He immediately banished the counselor and the malicious Sultana from his father's realm and took away their wealth. The wedding was solemnly celebrated. And not long thereafter his father passed away and he became the master of the land and lived a long, peaceful and happy life.

Beramo was extremely pleased with the manner in which Rammo took revenge on the disloyal, and perfidious counselor, and on the wicked Sultana, who had them accused for their crime to his father, for which they were severely punished.

And after he had somewhat discussed the wickedness with his barons,