Page:Pericles, Prince of Tyre - Shakespeare (1609).djvu/16

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Pericles Prince of Tyre.
To lop that doubt, hee'le fill this land with armes,
And make pretence of wrong that I haue done him,
When all for mine, if I may call offence,
Must feel wars blow, who spares not innocence,
Which loue to all of which thy selfe art one,
Who now reprou'dst me fort.

Hell.Alas sir.

Per.Drew sleep out of mine eies, blood fró my cheekes,
Musings into my mind, with thousand doubts
How I might stop this tempest ere it came,
And finding little comfort to relieue them,
I thought it princely charity to griue for them.

Hell.Well my Lord, since you haue giuen mee leaue to speake,
Freely will I speake, Antiochus you feare,
And iustly too, I thinke you feare the tyrant,
Who either by publike warre, or priuat treason,
Will take away your life: therfore my Lord, go trauell for a while, till that his rage and anger be forgot, or till the Destinies doe cut his threed of life: your rule direct to anie, if to me, day serues not light more faithfull then Ile be.

Per.I doe not doubt thy faith.
But should he wrong my liberties in my absence?

Hel.Weele mingle our bloode togither in the earth,
From whence we had our being, and our birth.

Per.Tyre I now looke from thee then, and to Tharsus
Intend my trauaile, where Il'e heare from thee,
And by whose Letters Ile dispose my selfe.
The care I had and haue of subiects good,
On thee I lay, whose wisdomes strength can beare it,
Ile take thy word, for faith not aske thine oath,
Who shuns not to breake one, will cracke both.
But in our orbs will liue so round, and safe,
That time of both this truth shall nere conuince,
Exit.Thou shewdst a subiects shine, I a true Prince.
