Page:Petri Privilegium - Manning.djvu/313

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  1. The Latin Postulatum of the Bishops for the Definition of the Infallibility, 163; English Translation of the same, 167.

  2. Letter of H. E. Cardinal Antonelli to Count Daru, 173.

  3. Protest of the Cardinal Presidents, 181.

  4. Constitutio De Fide Catholica, 182; Translation of the same, 192; Constitutio Dogmatica Prima de Ecclesia Christi, 204; Translation of the same, 211.

  5. Rules laid down by Theologians for Doctrinal Definitions, 220.

  6. The Case of Honorius; Note of the Archbishop of Baltimore on the question of Honorius, 223.

  7. Letter of the German Bishops on the Council, 225.