Page:Petri Privilegium - Manning.djvu/456

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Cardinal Fisher also, writing against Luther, says: 'One thing I know, that Augustine everywhere makes Peter first and Prince of the Apostles, and Teacher and Head of the rest, in whom also he says the rest are contained, as in the head of any family the multitude (of the family) are all contained.'[1] And further he adds, 'Where else dost thou believe the faith to abide, save in the Church of Christ? "I," said Christ to Peter, "have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not." The faith of Peter, do not doubt it, will always abide in the succession of Peter, which is the Church.'[2] This is precisely the Vatican definition, 'Romanum Pontificem ea infallibilitate pollere, qua divinus Redemptor Ecclesiam suam instructam esse voluit.'

Cardinal Pole, after describing the conduct of Peter in the Council at Jerusalem, goes on to say, 'The same also the successors of Peter, following his faith, have done in all other Councils; in which is found much more signally than in Peter's lifetime, of what kind are the efforts of Satan, who desires to sift the Church of God, and how great is the efficacy of this special remedy in repressing them; namely, that which Christ declared when he turned to Peter, in these

  1. Unum scio, quod Augustinus ubique Petrum facit Primum et Principem Apostolorum ac Magistrum et Caput cæterorum, in quo et cæteros contineri dicit, sicut in capite cujusvis familiæ reliqua comprehenditur multitudo.'—Joannis Roffensis Confutatio Errorum Lutheri, art. xxv. ad finem, in Rocaberti Biblioth. Pontif. tom. xiv. p. 582.
  2. 'Ubi credis alibi manere fidem quam in Ecclesia Christi? Ego, inquit Christus ad Petrum, rogavi pro te ut non deficiat fides tua. Petri fides ne dubita semper in successione Petri manebit, quæ est Ecclesia.'—Id. art. xxvii. ad fin. in Rocaberto, tom. xiv. p. 587.