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A briefe Declaration



by the Inventor thereof,

Chiefly to prevent misunderstanding of his
proceedings in the discovery of
the same.

Shal not enlarge upon the praises of double writing, for every man best knoweth him∣selfe what use he can make of it, least I thereby seem to praise my selfe, arrogating indeed what I doe not deserve. For to speak truth, the manifold, universall, and perpetuall uses of it to the Common-wealth, did not at first put me upon the designe, but the fair hint of the possibility of such a thing, which God unexpectedly put into my minde, co-operating with an affection that I have to doe somwhat new and usefull (though by never so slight means) and withall hopes to mend mine own fortunes by benefiting all, rather then prejudicing any, encouraged me to take pains (although by the simplicity of the Instruments it doth not appear) about the invention. On the