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8. Article.

That by delayes, feigned scruples, and derisions he wrought men to sell him their Debenters at under Rates, and to give him part of whatsoever he assigned them.


The delayes here mentioned were inevitable, the derisions a frivolous complaint; That of working men to a Composition, a very slander. The contrary of all these Allegations being true.

9. Article.

Whereas he had greater Rates for surveying then ever were given, he gave lesse to his under Surveyours then was ever taken, and yet retrenched much of that too.


The said Under-Surveyours were not duly punished for their treacheries against the said Doctor: They were payd more than they deserved, more than they durst claim by Law, more than Arbitrators allowed them, and twice more than they will have againe for the like work, they were used better than they used others, besides, the Doctor gave them more, then the State it self hath since given them, nor did they ever complain, till now they were Instigated for a supply instead of other declined Articles.

10. Article.

That he hath not walked by the Rules and Instructions given him; but slighted them all.


A General Slander; to which there needs only to be said, that dolosus versatur in generalibus.

11. Article.

That he with-holds his original Books and Plots, as also the Duplicates of his Fair Books contrary to an Act of Parliament.


This is a demand never till now thought fit to be made, an absurd and uselesse desire; a meer device to enable some hereafter to abuse the State and subject at their pleasure, and a pretended crime that the Doctor can make no benefit by.