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Treatise of Ireland.

Another View of the same Matters, by Way of Dialogue between A and B.

A. How many Acres of Land, belonging to the Catholicks of Ireland Aº 1641, are now, in this year 1687, enjoyed by the English Protestants?

B. Two Millions 400000 Acres, as appears by the Books of Distribution, extracted out of the Decrees and Certificates of the Court of Claims.

A. What is the Value of the said Lands?

B. I do not know what their Value is in this Year 1687, but in the Year 1683 (having bin extremely improved) I guess they might have been worth near 40s. the Acre, and Aº 1641 and 1673, about 30s. the Acre, Aº 1663 about 20s. & Aº 1653 about half a Crown.

A With what Face can you say they were so Cheap?

B. It is Notorious and expressly mentioned in the Acts of 17th Charles the First; as also in the Usurpers Act of Satisfaction made Aº 1653, That the Lands in Leinster should be rated at 12s. per Acre, in Munster at 9s. in Connaught at 6s., and in Ulster at 4s., So as 4 Acres set out by Lot (one in each Province) should go for 31s. in Debentur-Money, which makes but 10s. in Silver-Money. Now if 4 Acres be worth but 10s. one is worth but 2s. 6d.

A. This is very hard to be believed. Have you any other Proof?

B. Yes for 4 Millions 800000 Acres Aº 1659 were by Solemn Commission returned to be worth but 180000l., or 9d. the Acre: And if they were worth but 9d. the Acre Aº 1659, they were not worth 5d. per Acre Aº 1653, nor above 4[1] Year's Purchase at that Rent, viz. not above 20d. per Acre even for the Inheritance: Which by Experience is nearer the Truth than half a Crown.

A. I am amazed! I Believe, but help my Unbelief, and tell me what was the Reason of what you say.

B. At that Time there was no Housing, nor Cattle upon

  1. '4' inserted by Petty.