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Furniture, imported from France, 297; splendour of, 305.

Further Assertion of the Propositions concerning London, Petty's, 643.

Further Observation upon the Dublin-Bills, by Petty, 493—498, 643.

Gabelle in France, 55, 74, 83.

Gamesters do not add to wealth, 195, 196.

Gardens in London, filling up of, 381.

Garrans, 166, 173, 175.

Gelding, purpose of, 375, 377.

General bill of mortality. See Bills.

Geneva, mortality in, 386 n.

Genoa, merchants in, 263; plague at, 403, 404.

Gentlemen put younger sons to trade, 312, 313.

Geographical Description of the Kingdom of Ireland, based on Petty's surveys, 651.

Gilbert, William, 177.

Glass for measuring diamonds, 626.

Glorified bodies, meaning of, 455.

Glue exported from Ireland, 594.

Gneeres, 206.

Goddard, Dr Jonathan, xxi, xxxvi.

Gold as money, 183; when debased, 84; not money but a commodity next like to money, 444; formerly abundant, now (1676) scarce, 242; art of making, if known would but exalt silver, 395; imported into Ireland, 596; for entries of Gold and Silver jointly, see Silver.

Goldsmiths melt money, 85.

Gookin, Vincent, xvii, 7, 656, 657.

Gorges, Dr, ejectment case against, 602.

Gout, 356, 360.

Government, forms of, 23; effect of popular government on trade, 263; internal and mystical government of Ireland, 164.

Govemours, charge of, 18.

Grace Church Street, trade of, 380.

Granard, Earl of, 166.

Grand Cairo, mortality at, 402; population of, 509.

Grand juries in Ireland raise monies, 196.

Grant, Edward, the classicist, xxxviii.

Grass, Samuel, 318.

Graunt, Henry, xxxiv.

Graunt, John, life of, xxxiv—xxxviii; birth, xxxiv; tastes, xxxiv; education, xxxv. The Natural and Political Observations published, xxxv; why reprinted, viii; Graunt's claim to their authorship, xxxix—liv, 320, 322; action of the Royal Society upon the Observations, xxxvi; he becomes a fellow, xxxvi; falsely charged with causing the Fire of London, xli; his losses by the Fire, xxxvii; his conversion to Roman Catholicism, xxxvii, xlv; his death, xxxvii; opinions of his contemporaries, xxxvii, xxxviii; his methods and merits as a statistician, xlvii, xlix, lxvi, lxxv—lxxix; his faults, lxxvi, lxxvii; the chief facts which he discovered, lxxv, lxxvii; his influence upon Petty, lxx, lxxix; on later statistical writers, lxxvii, lxxix.

Graunt, John, his Observations, 315—431; appendix to, 432—435; bibliography of, 658—660; accuracy of the tables in, 407 n., 412 n., 426—428; cited by Petty, 27, 45, 80, 303, 458, 461, 481, 483, 485, 526, 527, 534, 535, 541, 608, 610: otherwise mentioned, 145 n., 459 n., 467 n.

Graunt, Mary, xxxiv.

Gray's Inn, 507.

Great Case (The) of Transplantation in Ireland, not by Petty, 655—657.

Green, Ann, resuscitated by Petty, xv.

Green sickness, xlvi, 358.

Gresham College, 317, 322, 324 n., 334; telescopes at, 358; Petty made professor of music at, xv, xxxiv; Royal Society meets there, xxii.

Guernsey, 298, 299.

Guinea trade, shipping employed in, 304.

Gunpowder imported into Ireland, 596.

Haarlem, plague at, 403.

Hackney, included within the bills, lxxxv, 344; not properly part of London, 423; is a part of London,