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Poundage, a name for customs, 77.

Poverty, 34; due to want of discipline, 117.

Powell, Frederick York, ix.

Power, causes of, 18.

Powers, The, of the King of England, by Petty, 630–632.

Pox. See French Pox.

Prague, plague at, 403.

Preaching of Irish priests, 199.

Prerogative, royal, 630, 632; uncertainty as to is an impediment of England's greatness, 300.

Presbyterians in Ireland, 200.

Preston, Mr Alderman, 616.

Price, political and natural, 90; what determines, 182; relation of cost to, 474; effect of debased money on, 441.

Prices in Ireland, 188.

Prices of commodities, proportions of, 623–624.

Priests in Ireland, 164, 198, 199, 218, 223, 568, 569.

Prisons in Dublin, 166.

Privileges and Practice of Parliaments not by Petty, 636.

Proby, Mr Alderman, 177 n.

Proctors in Ireland, 165.

Professions, lessening of, 26; taxation of, 84.

Projectors of new taxes, 82.

Prohibited commodities, 57.

Proportion, duplicate, Petty on, 622–624, 627, 628. See also Discourse.

Propositions concerning the Government of Ireland, by Petty, 225–231.

Protective duties, 269.

Protestants, possess three-fourths of the trade of the world, 263; importance of in Ireland, xxxi, 141, 142, 144, 148, 156, 200, 591, 593, 607; in England fear growth of Catholics, 578 .

Provisoes, 167.

Psalm, the 104th, translated into Latin by Petty, xxviii, 638.

Public Oeconomy, the A.B.C. of, 481.

Purples, see Fever, purple.

Quakers in Ireland, 200,

Quantulumcunque concerning Money, by Petty, 437–448; editions of, 638–640; occasion of, lxi.

Quart d'Escu, 87.

Queen's County measured in 1630, 176–177.

Queries for the Trial of Mineral Waters, Petty writes, 642.

Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques, lxxvi.

Quicksilver, 258.

Quit rents not a tax, 80, 81; in Ireland, xxv, 38, 139, 178, 599.

Radical moisture, 348.

Rainfall, measurement of, 170; at Dublin and London, 172.

Ranelagh, Richard Jones, first earl, defeats Petty's application for Irish farm, xxvii; letter to Ormond, xxix n.

Rape in Holland, 259; exported from Ireland, 596.

Raven, Thomas, 177.

Rebellion of 1641 in Ireland, 149–154, 577, 609.

Rebels but bigger thieves, 189.

Recoinage, 86, 310, 438.

Redriff included in the bills of mortality, 344; table for, 410.

Reflections on the Weekly Bills of Mortality not by Graunt, 660.

Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ireland, Petty writes, xv, xx, xxi, 634; Latin words in, xlviii.

Regicides' lands in Ireland, 597.

Registers of lands, 26, 36, 83, 264, 265, 570.

Regularity of social phenomena observed by Graunt, lxxvi.

Religion a cause of civil wars, 22; charge of, 23; flourishing of, 79; Petty's attitude towards, lxiii; of the Irish, 198.

Religions reduced to three, 491.

Rent, lxxiii, lxxiv, 42–45, 49, 52, 78, 89, 90, 174, 180–182, 241, 249, 267, 268, 467 n., 564; in Ireland, 559, 583.

Report from the Council of Trade in Ireland, 211–223, mentioned, 132.

Republique des Lettres cited by Petty, 525.