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Slaves, value of, lxxi n., 512; in American plantations, 296.

"Sluice boat," Petty's. See Double Bottom.

Small pox foreruns the plague, 366; one-half that die of, are children, 349.

Smith, Adam, lxix.

Smith, Erasmus, 616.

Smith, Richard, his opinion of Graunt, xxxviii.

Smiths in Ireland, 143, 145.

Smoke unhealthful, 373.

Smuggling, 55, 56.

Snow in Ireland, 172.

Soldiers, expenditure of, 589; hired by the Dutch, 266.

Soldiers' lands in Ireland, 178, 611.

Soldiers and officers of '49, their pay, 598, 601.

Some Queries whereby to Examine Mineral Waters, Petty writes, 642.

Soul, immortality of, 71.

Soulz, French, 84.

Southwell, Sir Robert, life of, lvi n.; his interest in political arithmetic, lxxvii; his care of Petty's MSS., lvii–lix, 123, 125, 236, 238, 547; letters to and from, xiii, xxvii, xxviii, xlii, lvi, 4, 9, 438, 450 n., 453 n., 466 n., 467 n., 480, 506 n.

"Sovereign of the Seas," ship, 304.

Sovereignty, nature of, 23; Hobbes on, lxii.

Spain, cause of Holland's breach with, 262; churchmen in, 263; Irish transplanted to, 200; shipping of, 251; silver from, 296; West India trade of, 160, 257.

Spanish ambassador, his house, 380.

Spectacles for the older sight, 627.

Spinner, ability of a, 354.

Spleen as a cause of death, 357.

Springham, Matthias, 177.

Standard of health, 482, 483.

Starved, how many are, 352.

State of England, by E. Chamberlayne, cited by Petty, 284, 308.

State of France, a book cited by Petty, 252, 290.

State of the Netherlands, by William Albigony, cited by Petty, 253.

Statistical method of Graunt, xlvii, xlix, lxxv, lxxix.

Statistical office, Petty's plans for, xxx.

Statistical value of excise, 95.

Statistics, the use of, lxvi; differs from political arithmetic, lxvii.

Stearne, Dr John, 165.

Steel imported into Ireland, 596.

Stephens, H. Morse, ix.

Stepney, included within the bills of mortality, lxxxv, 344; not properly part of London, 423; table for, 410.

Still-births, number of, 360, 361; searchers can recognize, 347.

Stivers, Dutch, 84.

Stock of England sufficient, 311.

Stockings exported from Ireland, 595.

Stone seems to decrease, 360.

Stonehenge, 31.

Stopford, Capt. James, 616.

Stopping of the Stomach, xlvi, 358.

Strafford's Survey of Ireland, 177.

Strangers taxed, 83.

Strangury, 360.

Students in universities, number of, 27, 28.

Stuffs exported from England, 296.

Subsidiary coin, 85, 86.

Subsidies of 1661 in Ireland, 179.

Sugar, 258, 275, 296, 596, 609.

Suicide, regularity of observed by Graunt, lxxvi.

Suicides a sort of madmen, 355.

Sumptuary laws, 58.

Superlucration, amount possible in England, 308, 309; in France, 254, 292 n.

Superstitions of the Irish, 199, 200.

Surgeons, number of, 27; of London better than those of Paris, 508.

Surveys of Ireland, xvi–xx, 176–180, 206, 207; of lands proposed, 49.

Süssmilch, Johann Peter, lxxvi n., lxxviii, lxxix.

Sweden, Shipping of, 251,

Swine pox, 344.

Symner, Major Miles, xviii.

Syphilis. See French Pox.