Page:Petty 1647 Advice to Hartlib.djvu/12

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Making Mathematicall Instruments, Dialls, and how to use them in Astronomicall Observations.

Making Watches and other Trochilick motions.

Limning and Painting on Glasse or in Oyle Colours.

Graving, Etching, Carving, Embossing and Molding in sundry matters.

The Lapidaries Art of knowing, cutting and setting Iewells.

Grinding of Glasses Dioptricall and Catoptricall.

Botanicks and Gardening.

Making Musicall Instruments.

Navarchy and making Modells for buildings and rigging of Ships.

Architecture and making Modells for houses.

The Confectioners, Perfumers or Diers Arts.

Chymistry, refining Metalls and Counterfeiting Iewells.

Anatomy making Sceletons and excarnating bowells.

Making Mariners Compasses, Globes, and other Magnetick Devices.

And all, for these Reasons.

1. They shall be lesse subject to be cousened by Artificers.

2. They will become more industrious in generall.

3. They will certainly bring to passe most excellent Works being as Gentlemen, ambitious to excell ordinarie Work-men.

4. They being able to make Experiments themselves, may doe it with lesse charge, and more care then others will doe it for them.

5. The Resp. Artium will be much advanced, when such as are rich and able, are also willing to make Luciferous Experiments.

6. It may engage them to be Mecænates and Patrons of Arts.

7. It will keepe them from worse occasions of spending their time and estates.

8. As it will be a great Ornament in prosperity, so it wil be a great Refuge and stay in adversity and common calamity.

As for what remaines of Education, we cannot but hope
