Page:Petty 1647 Advice to Hartlib.djvu/19

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wise to the Chirurgeon and the rest, in theirs, when he seeth them not otherwise employed. In briefe, he shall have an influence upon all the rest, and all the rest reciprocally upon him, so that he being made acquainted with all the Histories taken in the Hospitall, Laboratory, Anatomical Chamber, garden, &c. may give the reason of the most notable Phænomena hapning in either of them. All which he shall commit to writing and out of them, by the end of the terme of his service, shall collect a Systeme of Physick and the most approved Medicinall Aphorismes; taking notice by the way where those of Hippocrates are deficient or true, and by how many severall experiments he hath so found them. He shall either dissect or overlook the dissection of bodies dying of diseases, and lastly shall take care that all Luciferous experiments whatsoever, may be carefully brought to him, and recorded for the benefit of Posterity.

The Vice-Physicians proper charge is to see the History of Patients most exactly and constantly kept, he may now and then reade some good Authour, but in all other things shall endeavour to assist, and be subordinate to the Physician in all parts of his duty, stil acting by his directions, but shall not prescribe any Physick without the consent of the Chiefe, nor in his absence, upon emergent occasions, without the advice of the Master Chyrurgeons; he should be alwayes walking up and downe from bed to bed, feeling the pulses and looking on the Vrine and other excrements of the sick; that no considerable punctilio in any circumstance whatsoever escape his observation; for the compleating of the History, He shall apply himselfe to the making of Luciferous experiments, and to take notice of such as shall be made by others.

The Student shall assist the Chyrurgeon and Apothecary in making the History of their Practises, to the end he may have alwayes occasions to instruct himselfe in these ministrant parts of physick to read such Authors, as the Chiefe Physician shall appoint him, and compare all his reading with the things themselves, whereof he readeth, as herbs, drugs, Compound Medicaments, Anatomy, Chyrurgicall Instruments, bandages, operations, &c. all which we call the Real Ele-
