Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/141

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rity and Righteousness to our Neighbours, Obedience to our Superiours, Temperance as to our selves, &c? Am I irreligious, because I do not fall down before the little talking Images of Clay? or because I do not seek to intoxicate other weak brains with the vapour of my own? by perswading them that the fumes of my bodily humours are the Emanations of Gods Spirit, &c. I think my selfe too knowing to be abused by such affected whimseyes; and will approve my self too honest to abuse others with the like.

As Divinity is a Science, I am above learning it, from many that think they could teach me; and as Faith and Sanctification are the Gifts of the Spirit, I must not seek them from Men: I have Trades and faculties usefull for Mankind, by which I can get my bread; I will not seek Superfluities by Encroachments and Interlopings dishonourable to God: I had rather learn and labour to get my own living, then by lying and loytering under the name of Preaching, to be a drone on other Mens. This was the Religion of Adam, Enoch, Abraham, and Job, This Moses delivered, though with the