Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/23

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had improved in my skill in Physick, and in my reputation for it; now I seem am as one, that hath lost both, nor will the world think my Brains so uncrased with my sufferings as to be capable of a recovery: Then I had stood immoveable, in all the many late turnings and revolutions of the State; now liable to a new Torture by every new Powers: Then I had been free to have improved my Estate in the most open and advantagious manner; now I am forced to keep all in Holes and under hatches, for fear my Improvements should be a bait to my Enemies: then I had been acceptable in my Treaties and Bargains; whereas now, I am by some reputed a Bugbear and Goblin, and chiefly by those from whom most may be gotten, who are exceeding shie; many men foolishly thinking all my thoughts to be designs, and all my designs machinaments of fraud; so as every action I attempt is watched by an Argus, every mistake counted a studied Crime, and accordingly punished or prosecuted; no disaster which befalls mee pitied, and, which is worst, no end appearing to this said condition, then which (as by this parallel you have seen)