Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/31

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( 29 )

But it may be objected, That the Council had no power to grant any satisfaction by Election; and consequently, their Commissioners ought not to have served such orders. To which I answer

At the present directly nothing, least I should officiously go about to help the Councel where they need mee not; only I shall say, That the Commissioners acting under them, ought not to refuse the said Orders for Election granted me as aforesaid; forasmuch as their general Commission ran, that they ought to set out the Lands according to the Acts of Parliament, or such other power as the Councel had received. In pursuance of which latter words, at least, they might well conceive my Orders to have been made; besides, the said Commissioners had received & executed the like Orders for Elections before mine, and in great abundance, since; nor could they but observe, that many great and general things, had been done, besides the prescript of the Act of Parliament, the warrant for which they had no reason to look into beyond their immediate Superiors the Council; especially since there was another temporary,