Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/33

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( 31 )

grounds had no reason to do otherwise then they did concerning me: Now to come nearer the point.

If then such Elections might be allowed, what need had I (though I had medled with the afore-mentioned business of with-holding or Neating of Lands, as I never did) to lay by, scattered incumbered litigious small scraps (promiscuously good and bad, nay more frequently very bad, then ordinarily good) and to take them for satisfaction; as well for my pains, as for my Debentures: and withal to redeem the Mortgages upon them, to be at Extraordinary cost and trouble in Law to get possession of them, and to endanger myself to be impeached in two Parliaments to make them good; unless I had been necessitated to this unhappy course, to which alone my own modesty and meal-mouthedness had before left me? Besides, whereas there was perhaps 1000 parcels thus withdrawn, and express search made touching all the Abuses committed, as well in the disposing, as the said withdrawing of them; It is a wonder that nothing is complained of, but what concerned myself alone, without mention of