Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/38

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once sold, I could afterwards do him neither good nor harm in the satisfactions of such Debentures, being now no longer his; so that if malice had not blinded even the natural Light of my Adversaries, both they and I, had (as to this matter) been at quiet.

Lastly, I will prove, that those who accuse me, have bought Debentures of their own Souldiers, for one third part less then I constantly paid; Which; by what awings or other means, they effected, I leave to consideration.

This being a briefe and superficial account concerning my Land and Money; the last is About the Records: Concerning which I tell you further, That I have no Surveys, but either the imperfect, fowl, confused and unauthentique Draughts, (or else the Abridgments) of what the State hath already perfect and fair, and authentically attested; I have nothing that I was bound by Contract to give in: Nothing but what many Souldiers and Surveyors have the like of, and are known to have, and are allowed to keep them, without the least Question; Nothing that can corroborate, but rather vitiate and distract