Page:Petty 1660 Reflections.djvu/57

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the bottom of whole smutty Actions I could not easily, and on the sudden penetrate.

You have here a view of my charge and answer, both of them in a summary way, and according as I answered the Knights first assault in the great Parliamentary Assembly on the 21. of April, 1659.

Nevertheless as small and as sleight a defence as this is, if you should communicate this Letter to the sight of my Adversaries, I might be prejudiced by the preparations which they will make from it, to overthrow what I have said, unless they think this is written on purpose to be published; and that this defence is so published, that it may serve as an Ignis fatuus[1] to mislead them; Or else by making them decline Sir Hieroms last eleven Articles (as my defence in Parliament made them decline the said Knights first six, & his seven Instances) put them upon framing new ones in the next Parliament, which Sir Hierom, and his Complices shall make and qualifie.

For, Sir, let me advertise you by the way, 'tis not satisfaction as to any of these

  1. See: ignis fatuus on 16px logo Wiktionary Wiktionary (Wikisource ed.).