Page:Pharmacopoeia of India (1868).djvu/144

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wrinkled or pale-coloured externally ; juice not watery ; any adherent leaves runcinate and quite smooth.

Properties. Alterative tonic and cholagogue.

Therapeutic Uses. In dyspepsia, in chronic hepatic affections, especially in torpor and congestion of the liver, and in jaundice, it has been employed with advantage. In chronic cutaneous diseases connected with visceral and hepatic derangement it has likewise been found useful.

Preparations. Decoction of Taraxacum (Decoctum Taraxaci). Take of Dried Taraxacum Root, sliced and bruised, one ounce ; Water, one pint. Boil for ten minutes in a covered vessel ; then strain, and pour as much distilled water over the contents of the strainer as will make the strained product measure a pint.

Dose. From two to four fluid ounces.

Extract of Taraxacum (Extractum Taraxaci). Take of Fresh Taraxacum Root, four pounds. Crush the root ; press out the juice, and allow it to deposit ; heat the clear liquor to 212°, and maintain the temperature for ten minutes ; then strain, and evaporate by a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 160 until the extract has acquired a suitable consistence for forming pills (43)

Dose. From ten to thirty grains, or more, three or four times a day.

Juice Of Taraxacum (Succus Taraxaci). Take of Taraxacum Root, seven pounds ; Rectified Spirit, a sufficiency. Bruise the Taraxacum root in a stone mortar ; press out the juice ; and to every three measures of juice add one of the spirit. Set aside for seven days, and filter. Keep it in a cool place.

Dose. From one to three fluid drachms.

LACTUCA VIROSA, Linn. STRONG-SCENTED LETTUCE. (Engl. Bot, 1. 1957 ; ed. Syme, t. 805.)

Habitat. Europe.

Officinal Part. The flowering herb (Lactuca, Lettuce), which is officinal only as the source of the following preparation.

Preparation. Extract of Lettuce (Extractum Lactucæ). Take of the flowering herb of Lettuce, one hundred and twelve pounds. Bruise in a stone mortar, and press out the juice; heat it gradually to 130°,