Page:Philological Museum v2.djvu/202

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On the Position of Susa.

bank of the Euleus or Choaspes, only he is quite wrong in looking for this river in the Kerah or Karasu."

Lastly, we are indebted to the ingenious author for a happy conjecture, which removes the only remaining difficulty that might seem to leave a doubt on the subject. With this we shall conclude our extracts.

"The five authors who maintain the identity of Susa and Shus (Rennell, Barbie du Bocage, Sir William Ouseley, Kinneir, and Hoeck) may ask their five opponents (D'Anville, Herbelot, Vincent, Mannert, and the writer) to what place the vast ruins of Shiis correspond, if it be not the ancient Susa? We will meet this question with another which involves an answer to it. Where are the ruins of the great city of Elymais, the capital of the province of the same name, which contained the great temple Azara, mentioned by Strabo, Josephus, and Zonaras,[1] dedicated to Venus or Diana (Zaratis, Sohra, or Anaitis, Anahid)? where are they to be looked for but here in the centre of the province of Elymais, which the river of Shuster separated from Susiana? Elymais was the capital of the province Elymais and Susa that of the province Susiana; the former lay on the eastern bank of the Kerah^ the latter on the eastern bank of the Karoon. Both were celebrated for their temple of Anaitis, which in the former city was called after the other name of the goddess (Zaratis) (Symbol missingGreek characters) or (Symbol missingGreek characters). By an oversight which has never before been noticed, the party who maintain the identity of Susa and Shus have entirely forgotten the capital of Elymais and have attempted to transfer the capital of Susiaria into the heart of Elymais,"

C. T.

  1. Strabo xvi. 1. 18; Joseph. Antiq. ix. 1; Zonaras iv. 20.