Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 002.djvu/50

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Numb. 25




Monday, May 6. 1667


The Contents.

An Account of an Easier and Safer Way of Transfusing Blood, vid, by the Veins onely. An Experiment of bleeding a Mangy, into a Sound Dog. An Extract of a Letter written by a French philosopher, concerning the same Subject of Transfusion. Observations touching the Uniting of Barks of Trees cut, to the Tree it self. An Experiment of making Cherry-Trees, that have wither'd fruit, to bear good and full fruit. An Experiment on Aloe Americana Serratifolia weiqh'd; seeming to infer a Circulation of the Sappe in Plants. An Extract of a Letter, about the Invention of Dividing a Foot into many thousand parts, for Mathematical purpose. More Wayes proposed, for the same purpose. Observations of the Star called Nebulosa, and of that in the Neck of the Whale. Extract of a Letter, concerning a New Discovery of the Communication of the Ductus Thoracicus with the Emulgent Vein. A Description of several sorts of Granaries, as those of London, Dantzick, Muscovy. Inquiries for Hungary, Transilvania, Egypt, Guiny.


An Account

Of an easier and safer Way of Transfusing Blood, out of one Animal into another, viz. by the Veins, without opening any Artery of either.

THis Way was first practised (for ought we know) by Doctor Edmond King, and the success thereof in two Experiments, communicated by him to the Royal Society, as follows,