Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 002.djvu/71

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Ægypt, by Thomas Henshaw Esq;

1.Whether it rain there at any time, and if so, what time of the Year? Whether Rain make the Air wholsom, or pestilential, or otherwise unhealthful?

2. To consider the Niter that is commonly sold there, and what affinity there is betwixt that, and our common Saltpeeter: to try by dissolving it in warm water, filtring it well, then boyling almost half away, and putting the remainder in an earthen Pan, and setting it in a cool place for two dayes, to see whether it will shoot into Chrystals of Peeter. To send some quantity of it into Europe.

3. Whether the Earth of Ægypt, adjoining to the River Nilus, presev'd and weigh'd daily, keeps the same weight, till the 17th of June, and then grows daily heavier with the increase of the River?

4. Whether, if the Plague be never so great before, yet on the first day of the Nile's increase, it not only increaseth, but absolutely ceaseth, not one dying of it after?

5. To inquire particularly into the manner of Hatching Eggs in Ægypt; How the Camel-dung is prepar'd, wherein they are laid? how often, the Eggs are turn'd? how cover'd? Whether they hatch in Twenty one dayes, as they do with us under a Hen? Whether the Chickens be as perfect as ours? If imperfect, Whether that may not happen to them by rough handling, while they are remov'd, being very tender, out of the place where they are hatch'd? To take the design of the manner, how by the Pipes the heat is convey'd into several Rooms. How they treat them betwixt the time of their hatching, and taking away by the Owners? Whether they do not also use to hatch Eggs under Hens?

6. To