Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 003.djvu/233

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Numb. 43.



Monday, Januar. 11. 1668/9

The Contents.

Divers Communications relating to the Queries about Vegetation, formerly publisht. Answers to some of the Queries heretofore recommended to Sir Phil. Vernatti in Java Major. A Summary Account of the General Laws of Motion by Dr. John Wallis, and Dr. Christopher Wren.An Account of two Books:I. HISTORIA CÆLESTIS Observationum Vicennalium TYCHONIS BRAHEII. ANDR. TACQUET Opera Mathematica.

Some Communications,

Relating to the Queries about Vegetation, publish'd in Numb. 40 of these Tracts,

THe Argument of Vegetation is exceeding noble, largely usefull, and worthy to be expos'd to publick consideration, and a general and accurate discussion; to the end, that where Observations are uncertain, and Experiments fickle, or failing, or casual, the various Track or operation of Nature maybe the better discover'd by the greater store of confronting Trials and Observations. 'Tis for this Reason, that we not onely suggest and disperce Inquiries upon this important Subject, but are also ready to impart such Informations, as we receive from the Curious and Inquisitive of what they have experimented and observed therein. At the present we shall insert here, what hath been communicated (upon the Queries for-
