Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/73

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Numb. 48.



June 21. 1669.

The Contents.

The Generation of an Hvperbolical Cylindroid demonstrated and the Application thereof for Grinding Hyperbolical Glasses hinted at. Experiments lately made concerning the Motion of the Sap in Trees. An Extract of a Letter lately written from Vienna, about Damps in the Mines of Hungary, and their Effects. A Chronological Accompt of the severall Eruptions of Mount Ætna. A Relation concerning a Woman, not long since open'd at Paris, having a double Matrix. An Accompt of 4 Books I. THOMÆ HOBBES Quadratura Circuli, Cubatio Sphære, Duplicatio Cubi, Confutata à IOHANNE WALLIS &c. II. HISTORIA GERAL DE ETHIOPIA A ALTA; Pelo Padre BALTHASAR TELLES &c. III, AN HISTORICAL ESSAY, Endeavouring to make it Probable, that the LANGUAGE of CHINA is the PRIMITIVE Language; by IOHN WEBB Esquire. IV. AN EXAMEN of the way of TEACHING THE LATIN TONGUE by Use alone.


Corporis Cylindroidis Hyperbolici, elaborandis Lentibus Hyperbolics accommodati, Auth. Christophoro Wren L L D. et Regiorum Ædificiorum Præfecto, nec non Soc. Regiæ Sodali.

SInt (in Fig. I.) Hyperbolæ oppositæ DB, EC, quarum Axis transversus est BC, Centrum A, et una ex Asymptotis GP; item per Centrum sit OM ducta ad angulos rectos ipsi BC.
