Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/219

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Numb. 142.



For the Months of December, January, and February, 1678.

The Contents.

Anatomical Observations of an Abscess in the Liver, &c. Of four Vreters, &c. in an Infant. Observations Di. Anthonii Leewenhoeck, de prognatis è Semine genitali Animalculis, &c. The Art of Refining. An Account of the English Allum-Works. Of the English Green-Copperas-Works. Of the Salt Waters of Droytwich in Worcestershire. The Description, Culture and use of Maiz. An Account of the use manner of making Malt in Scotland. An Account of a Book written lately by Sir George Ent, entitled (Symbol missingGreek characters) five (Symbol missingGreek characters), &c.

Anatomical Observations of an Abscess in the Liver; a great number of Stones in the Gall-Bag and Bilious vessels; an unusual Conformation of the Emulgents and Pelvis; a strange Conjunction of both Kidneys; and great dilatation of the Vena Cava, communicated by Edw. Tyson A. M. and M.S.Oxon.

The Anatomie of morbid Bodies, as Dr. Harvey hath ob- ferved, is most inftructive; thereby we are acquainted not only with the many Caufes that opprefs Nature, but likewife with the Liberty fhe often takes in forming the parts different from her ufual Rule; our prefent fubject affords both. For on September 14th. 1678. opening the Body of a Reverend and worthy Clergy-man of this City (where werepresent