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F. R. S. from Edward Delaval, Esq; F. R. S.p. 227.

XLII. A Letter from Thomas Lawrence, M. D. to William Heberden, M. D. and F. R. S. concerning the Effects of Lightning, in Essex-street, on the 18th of June 1764. p. 235.
XLIII. An Account of what appeared on Opening the Body of an asthmatic Person: By W. Watson, M. D. F. R. S. p. 239.
XLIV. A Letter to the Marquiss of Rockingham, with some Observations on the Effects of Lightening. p. 246.
XLV. Solis Defectus observatus in Collegio Romano a Patribus Societatis Jesu die prima Aprilis Anno MDCCLXIV. Tempore post mediam noctem. p. 254.
XLVI. The Description of a New Hygrometer, invented by James Ferguson, F. R. S. p. 259.
XLVII. Experiments and Observations on the Compressibility of Water and some other Fluids, by John Canton, M. A. F. R. S. p. 261.
XLVIII. Concise Rules for computing the Effects of Refraction and Parallax in varying the Apparent Distance of the Moon from the Sun or Star; also an easy Rule of Approximatian for computing the Distance of the Moon from a Star, the Longitudes and Latitudes of both being given, with Demonstrations of the same: By the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne, A. M. Fellow of Trinity College, in the University of Cambridge, and F. R. S. p. 263.
XLIX. Extract of a Letter from Mr. John Winthrop, Professor of Mathematicks in Cambridge, New England, to James Short, A. M. F. R. S. p. 277.

L. Observation