Page:Philosophical magazine 23 series 4.djvu/114

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vibration whose periodic time is , and wave-length , propagated in the direction of with a velocity , while the plane of the vibration revolves about the axis of in the positive direction so as to complete a revolution when .

Now let us suppose small, then we may write


and remembering that , we find


Here is the radius of the vortices, an unknown quantity. is the density of the luminiferous medium in the body, which is also unknown; but if we adopt the theory of Fresnel, and make the density in space devoid of gross matter, then


where is the index of refraction.

On the theory of MacCullagh and Neumann,


in all bodies.

is the coefficient of magnetic induction, which is unity in empty space or in air.

is the velocity of the vortices at their circumference estimated in the ordinary units. Its value is unknown, but it is proportional to the intensity of the magnetic force.

Let Z be the magnetic intensity of the field, measured as in the case of terrestrial magnetism, then the intrinsic energy in air per unit of volume is

where is the density of the magnetic medium in air, which we have reason to believe the same as that of the luminiferous medium. We therefore put


is the wave-length of the undulation in the substance. Now if be the wavelength for the same ray in air, and the index