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tennis and was sitting discussing with Dr. Cook, another Theosophist, who was a great friend of his, Subba Row expressed his intention of resigning his membership in the T.S., and he actually did so a few days later. I forgot to say he was an able tennis player, and he almost invariably drove straight from the High Court to the Cosmopolitan Club and played on the tennis ground there. He was almost the best Indian player and quite equal to Dr. Cook, an expert in the game.

After his resignation of membership in the T. S., Subba Row, after tennis, used to go Dr. Cook's house, which was adjacent to the Club. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper-Oakley used to join them there, and there were talks in which Subba Row was the chief speaker. I was the only Indian present, and I considered it a privilege to be at those talks. Mr. Oakley made short notes, after the conversation was over, and he was good enough to let me have a copy of them, which I still have. A great many interesting things said on those occasions, of course, find no place in the notes, which, nevertheless, show his great knowledge about religious and occult subjects.

He occasionally made statements, which were enigmatical, and among them one which took many years for me to understand. This statement was that : "There are three Shankaras to seven Buddhas." As I knew so little about Races, Buddhas and Manus,