Page:Phra Ratcha Lanchakon 2493.djvu/41

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It seemed like the Seal of Royal Lion was created before the others, because there must have been only one secretary of state, who was next to the monarch in rank when administering all public affairs, amongst which military affairs must have surpassed the other affairs, as seen from the fact that a secretary of state is called sēnābǭdī,[b 1] meaning chief of sēnā (“armed forces”). A royal lion was used as a seal in order to honour its holder for being a gallant, just like calling a brave person lion-hearted. After subsequent increase of public affairs, which made them difficult for a single person to handle, another secretary of state was added to assist in handling those affairs: one for dealing with military officers employed for war, the other for dealing with civilians, that is, those who dwell in cities rather than going to war.

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