Page:Piccino and Other Child Stories (1897).djvu/234

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SCRIBNE^S <BOOKS FOR THE YOUNG G. A. HENTY'S POPULAR STORIES FOR BOYS New Volumes for 1897-98. Each, crown 8vo, handsomely illustrated, $1.50. Mr. Henty, the most popular writer of Books of Ad- venture in England, adds three new volumes to his list this fall books that will delight thousands of boys on this side who have become his ardent admirers WITH FREDERICK THE GREAT. A TALE OF THE SEVEN YEARS' WAR. With 12 full-page illustrations, izmo, $1.50. This story, more than any other of Mr. Henty's, follows closely the historic lines, and no better description of the memorable battles of Rossbach, Leuthen, Prague, Zorndorf, Hochkirch, and Torgau can be found anywhere than is given in this volume. Through the historic part there runs the record of the daring and hazardous adventures of the hero, so that the charm of romance is given to the whole narrative. It is one of the most important volumes Mr. Henty has written. A MARCH ON LONDON. A STORY OF WAT TYLER'S RISING. With 8 full-page illustrations by W. H. MARGETSON. i2mo, $1.50. This book weaves together, in a most interesting way, the story of Wat Tyler's rebellion under King Richard, the civil war in Flanders which occurred soon after, and the ill-planned attack upon the French led by the Bishop of Norfolk. The whole story is singularly interesting, covering as it does a period of history which is but little known and which is well worth narrating. WITH MOORE AT CORUNNA. A STORY OF THE PENINSULAR WAR. With 12 full-page illustrations by WAL. PAGET. i2ino, $1.50. A bright Irish lad, Terence O'Connor, is living with his widowed father, Captain O'Connor of the Mayo Fusiliers, with the regiment, at the time when the Penin- sular War against Napoleon began. Under the command of Sir John Moore, he shared in the same marching and sharp fighting which that expedition experi- enced up to the battle of Corunna. By his bravery and great usefulness, in spite of his youth, he received a commission as colonel in the Portuguese army, and during the remainder of the war rendered great services, being mentioned twice in the general orders of the Duke of Wellington. The whole story is full of ex- citing military experiences and gives a most careful and accurate account of the conduct of the campaigns.