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8 along the grass, and the musquet-balls flew like hail about our heads; we immediately began, therefore, to run forward, till we were within about a hundred yards of the bridge across the first ditch, and then the balls came so thick that, as near as I can judge, twenty must have passed in the space of a minute, within a yard of my head. " While we were running on the grass, one or two men dropped every minute, and were left behind; but now they fell faster. When we came to the bridge which was about two yards wide, and twelve yards long, the balls came so thick that I had no expectation of getting across alive. We then began to ascend the hill, and were as crowded as people in a fair. We had to creep upon our hands and knees, the ascent being so steep and rocky; and while creeping my brother-officer received a ball in the brain, and fell dead! Having got. up this rock, we came to some palisadoes, within about twenty yards of a wall; these we broke down, but behind them was a ditch three feet deep, and just behind that a flat space about six yards broad, and then a hill thrown up eight feet high. 'These passed, we approached a second ditch, and then the wall, which was twenty-six feet high, against which we planted six or seven ladders,