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Austerlitz, at Friedland, at Witespsk, at Smolensko,—— and let the latest posterity recount with pride, your conduct on this day; let them say of you—— He was at the great battle under the walls of Moscow!’

The Taking of a Redoubt.

‘The Viceroy and his Staff, in spite of the enemy’s tremendous fire remained at the head of Begussier's division, followed by the 13th and 30th regiments. They advanced on the redoubt, and, entering it by the breast-work, massacred on their pieces, the cannoneers that served them. Prince Kutusofe, who had witnessed this attack, immediately ordered the cuirassiers of the guard to advance and endeavour to retake position. These were the best of their cavalry. The shock between their cuirassiers and ours was therefore terrible; and one may judge of the fury with which both parties fought, when the enemy, in quitting the field, left it completely covered with dead.

“The interior of the redoubt presented a horrid picture. The dead were heaped on one another. The feeble cries of the wounded were scarcely heard amid the surrounding tumult. Arms of every description were scattered over the field of battle. The parapets, half demolished had their embrasures entirely destroyed. Their places were distinguished only by the cannon, the greatest part of which were dismounted and separated from the broken carriages.