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superior intelligences, by which, the multitude of the heavenly host were taught to sing, at the appearance of Him, whose life and doctrines were so eminently calculated to give peace to the nations: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Battle of Malplaquet.

In this celebrated battle, so glorious to the British arms, the Prince of Orange was the most (illegible text) of all the commanders engaged in the dreadful conflict. He led on the first nine battalions under a tremendous shower of grape and musketry. He had scarcely advanced a few paces, when the brave Oxenstiern was killed by his side, and several aides-de-camp and attendants successively dropped as he advanced. His own horse being killed, he rushed forward on foot; and as he passed the opening of the great flanking battery, whole ranks were swept away ; yet he reached the entrenchment, and waving his hat, in an instant the breast work was forced at the point of the bayonet by the Dutch Guards and Highlanders. But before they could deploy, they were driven from the post by an impetuous charge from the troops of the French left, which had been rallied by Marshal Boufflers. At this foment the corps under Dohna moved gallantly against the battery on the road, penetrated into