Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/120

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failing cigaratos, while their puny assistants were involved in raising quarrels with begging léperos, who everywhere haunt the stores at this hour. Street musicians, with their guitars and tambourines, were thronging from the public walks, to the posadas and pulquerias (pulque-stores); and street-vendors, with their characteristic and amusing cries, were in full force in every direction. Invitations to purchase "Gorditas! Tortillas! de horna caliente!"—"Cakes! hot cakes! fresh from the griddle!" were incessant. "Mantequilla! Lard! lard! at a rial a lump!" next exclaimed the grease-man. "Granaditas! Oh, my heart! monstrous granaditas!"shouted the fruiterer. "Ducks! hot and fresh! delightful ducks!" insinuated another itinerant; while entreaties to buy "Cigarillos," "Hot Chestnuts," "Bocadillo de coco,"—"Sweet Candy," "Frijoles and Chilé," and "Salt Mutton," seemed to fill the air, and resounded on all sides.

Arriving at the house, and being ushered into the grand saloon on the second story, the effect of the arrangements was most imposing. The apartment, which was large and lofty, and lighted by several splendid coloured lamps,