Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/122

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entertainers, a gentleman in scarlet and gold uniform was announced, who, entering the room with a series of low bows, thus addressed the lady of the house:—

"Honoured madam, I feel most happy in offering myself, without novelty, to your service! I hope you are excellently well!"

"At your disposal, Colonel," was the reply, "as are also my husband and my house."

"Madam," continued the officer, "your most humble, dutiful servant!"

"Sir, I am rejoiced!"

"Madam, I have the supreme honour to kiss your feet!" (Advancing a step, and bowing-without intermission.)

"Sir, I have the honour to kiss your hand!"

"Madam, I have pleasure in being your servant, and that of this honourable company."

"Colonel, we are all at your service!"

And so proceeded the ceremonies of introduction; and as other guests arrived until the company was numerous, the polite duties of the host and hostess became anything but a sinecure.

The dresses of the guests were splendid in the extreme, especially those of the ladies; much rivalry existing between different ranks