Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/298

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Mexican soap-plant, became the order of the day; and as the time set apart for the intended honour approached, the building was in such exquisite order and bloom, that the hearts of the directors rejoiced within them; and they thought they could perceive the dawning glimmer of a bright day in store for their favourite arts and beloved institution.

No soul exulted with more sincere delight on the occasion than did that of poor little Nicolo de Neñares—one of the humbler assistants and custodians of the place. He had toiled early and late in carrying out the necessary improvements; and so earnest was his habit of mind, that to the very last day he had discovered something new to be done, and had done it accordingly.

When the important morning arrived, the little Nicolo was at the Academy, and in the room especially under his charge, at an unusually early hour; and still was he dusting the favoured articles, and re-arranging them. Alas! he had just placed a particular statue in what he considered the correct light, and was turning away in exultation at the effect of his labours, when the sleeve of his jaceti unfortunately caught the extended arm of a