Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/84

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The most obtrusive and clamorous solicitations for alms encounter the resident at every step; and the objects of charity only wait for opportunity to deprive him of his property by violence. It is frequently unsafe to travel even in the suburbs of the cities; and always in the mountains without an escort: nor has the wayfarer any security against his guardians proving his plunderers at any moment. It is requisite on a journey, not only to be burdened heavily with defensive arms, but to make them as conspicuous as possible, for the purpose of intimidation; and there are as many precautions taken on admitting a friend or relative to the court-yard of a suburban mansion after dark—inspections by porters, withdrawing of chains, removing iron bars, and unfastening bolts, included—as if it were the entrance to some important outpost, in time of war.