Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu/93

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" 'When he had recovered the effects of his wound, he suddenly disappeared from his old haunts, none knew whither: his image was fast fading from my memory, when my recollection of his enmity was once more terribly aroused. I was returning one evening rather later than common to the hut where I lived, unusually elated with my good fortune during the day: I had been successful in gaming with my comrades, it is true; but that gave me little pleasure in comparison with having at last obtained the promise of some regular employment, sufficient for the future maintenance of my family, without resorting to the means, and having to do with the company, to which I had been accustomed. "How happy shall I be," thought I, "to live honestly, and to say that my children shall be honest also. Now, I hope my degradation and misery are over, and we cannot tell what happiness may be in store for us for the future!!"

" 'In this buoyant frame of mind, I approached my dwelling; but was surprised on my entrance by the strange darkness and stillness which reigned around me. My first thought was that the family were overtaken by sleep while awaiting my return; but how was it,