Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/169

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The increasing demand for school accommodation in North Dunedin necessitated the establishment of a school at Pelichet Bay in 1875, on a site in Albany-street, near the Railway Station. The first headmaster was Mr. Alex. Montgomery, formerly of Mount Cargill School; and on the appointment of that gentleman, in the following year, to the mastership of the Normal School Practising Department, he was succeeded by the present headmaster, Mr. John L. Ferguson, promoted from the first assistantship in the Middle District School.


In 1875 a large brick building was erected on a reserve in Moray Place for the accommodation of a Teachers' Training Institution, a Practising School to serve the purposes of an ordinary district school, and a School of Art. The Training Institution and Practising School were opened in January 1876, and at the same time the School of Art was transferred from rooms in the University building in Princes-street to its present quarters. Mr William S. Fitzgerald, Rector of the Oamaru Grammar School, was appointed Rector of the Normal School; and Mr Montgomery, as already stated, was placed in charge of the Practising School. Mr Montgomery died in 1885, and he was succeeded by Mr David White, promoted by the Board from the first assistantship in the Union-street school.


In 1880 a sixth public school was provided for Dunedin by the erection of a very large brick building in George-street north. It was placed in charge of Mr David A. McNicoll, transferred from the mastership of the Outram public school.


The Colonial Education Act, 1887, divided Otago into the two separate education districts of Otago and Southland. The following tables supply information respecting the public schools of the Otago Provincial District for the year 1888, under the