Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/185

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been doing very good work, and has sent out a very large number of youths, who, in their various walks of life have done, and are doing, infinite credit to themselves and to the school. This is owing in no small degree to the zeal and loyalty of Mr Brent, and the other able masters employed in the school.


The Board of Governors consist of the Rev. Dr. Stuart, (chairman); Professor Shand, M.A., LL.D., (Hon. Treasurer); the Hon. W. H. Reynolds, M.L.C.; Rev. A. R. Fitchett, M.A.; James Fulton, Esq., M.H.R.; William Brown, Esq., M.B., and the Mayor of Dunedin, ex-officio. The secretary is Mr. Colin Macandrew.

The present buildings were opened by His Excellency Sir William Jervois, Governor of New Zealand, on February 11, 1885, and occupy a most suitable and commanding position adjoining the Town Belt. The plan of the building is that of a main central hall, round which are grouped the several classrooms. The central hall is 74 feet in length, by 43 feet in width, and is 30 feet in height, with a gallery carried round both sides and ends. The several class-rooms, both on the ground and upper floors, are very spacious, lofty, carefully ventilated, and fitted with all requisites and appliances to suit their various purposes. The drawing school has been constructed on the most approved system, and is fully furnished with models, plaster casts, and other materials of the art. The science room is supplied with requisites for the teaching of practical and theoretical Chemistry and Metallurgy. It also contains accessories to the teaching of Physiology. The mathematical school has been excellently constructed for its purpose, both as regards light and contrivances for demonstration. The gymnasium has been furnished on the exact model of that at Aldershot, and ranks among the best equipped in the colony. The grounds on which the school buildings are erected cover an area of about 6½ acres. A large space around the school has been asphalted, and is occupied by two fives courts, tennis courts, &c. There is also a large cricket field adjoining the school ground. The rector's residence

  1. In writing this paragraph the Rector's report and prospectus have been freely made use of.