Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/192

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with an average attendance of 171. The highest number at one time on the roll in the history of the school is that of the present year (1889), the number being 199. There were 25 resident boarders and two day boarders in 1888, being a marked increase on previous years. Twelve junior and four senior scholars of the Education Board were in attendance during 1888.


On the removal of the Boys' High School in February, 1885, to the new buildings in Arthur-street, the whole of the premises in Dowling-street were given up to the Girls' High School. The buildings are extensive and commodious, and are situated in a healthy and central locality, easily accessible from all parts of the city and suburbs. The main building contains a spacious central hall, in connection with which are a number of class-rooms well-furnished and adapted to the purposes of the school. Ample and suitable accommodation is provided for the lady manager of the boarding establishment, the resident governess, and a number of pupil boarders. The girls' bed-rooms are large, well lighted, and ventilated, and are exceedingly comfortable. Each boarder occupies a separate bed-room. There are six bath-rooms with shower baths, and hot and cold water laid on. Every possible requirement for an institution of the kind seems to have been provided, and everything has been arranged with a view to the health and comfort of the boarders, who are at all times under strict control and superintendence. The Boarding Department is under the direction of Miss Bathgate, a lady of high character and much experience. The recreation grounds cover an area of fully two acres, very completely and securely fenced, within which there are tennis courts, a fives court, playsheds, a large and exceedingly well-equipped gymnasium, &c.


The school in common with the Boys' High School is under the control of a Board of Governors. The ordinary subjects of instruction include English, (Reading, Grammar, Composition, Geography, History, &c.,) Mathematics, (Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry,) Latin, French, German, Natural Science (Botany and Chemistry,) Writing, Drawing, Needlework, and Gymnastics.