Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/196

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On November 15, 1888, a society, named "the Dunedin Technical Classes Association" was formed at a public meeting for the purpose of promoting the education of the youths of the city by means of evening classes. The following named office bearers were elected: President, Mr. Alexander Burt; Hon. Secretary, Mr. G. M. Thomson, F.L.S.; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. George M. Barr, M.I.C.E.; Committee, Messrs W. S. Fitzgerald, R. Harding, D. McNicoll, C. McQueen, J. Robin, R. S. Sparrow, D. White M.A., and Alexander Wilson, M.A. The association numbers about 100 members, including life-members. The subjects proposed to be taught at the outset have been grouped as follows:—(A) Literary; (B) Scientific; and (C) Manual; classes (A) and (B) to be open only to candidates that have passed the "sixth standard" or its equivalent; the subjects in group (A) to include English, Latin, French, German, Shorthand, &c.; in group (B), mathematics, chemistry, physics, &c.; and in group (C), freehand and mechanical drawing, carpentry, modelling, wood and metal turning, &c. Any person may become a member of the association by an annual subscription of 5s; and a life member by a single payment of £5 or upwards. As a rule fees are charged to all the pupils. The classes are held in winter, from the beginning of May to the end of October.

The first session opened in May, 1889, and up to 22nd August, the number of students enrolled was 283. The Education Board has granted free of charge the use of class-rooms in the Normal School. Mr George M. Thomson is superintendent of the classes. The subjects taught during the first session, the number of students and the names of the several teachers, are as follows:—

English:—Mr J. H. Chapman  33
English literature:—Rev. Rutherford Waddell, M.A.  64
Latin:—Rev. A. R. Fitchett, M.A.  20
Greek:—Rev. A. R. Fitchett, M.A.   1
Algebra and Euclid:—Mr Alex. McLean  26
Arithmetic:—Messrs J. R. Montgomery, M.A. and F. B. Allan, M.A.  59