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was its first President, and she continued an earnest supporter till her death. Upon its first Board of Management other influential ladies had a place—Mrs. (Rev.) Upton Davies, now in England; Mrs. (Rev.) Lorenzo Moore, now in Nelson; Miss Jarrett, now in America; Mrs. Coombes, now in another part of New Zealand; Miss Lambton, now deceased; and Mrs. Blackadder, who is still one of the Association's most earnest workers. Recently an effort was made to establish a "Lambton Library" in connection with the Association, in commemoration of Miss Lambton's long years of philanthropic labours in the city.

The Association was opened in Queen's Buildings, Princes street, but a month later it was removed to rooms in Rattray street, where for ten years it did good work, and towards the close of the year 1888 it took possession of the fine building in Moray Place formerly owned by the Young Men's Association. Its object is to benefit young women of all classes, and generally to engage in Christian effort. Its stated organisations comprise: the coffee, tea, and luncheon room for young women in business (last month, October, 1889, the number who availed themselves of it reached to 1,934—a goodly number for one month, certainly); the hospital weekly flower mission, much appreciated by the patients, and in connection with which, illustrated Scripture cards and leaflets are distributed, and words of cheer given; a Sunday Bible class; members' meeting for Bible study; mothers' meeting; a fortnightly social meeting for young women; and a fully equipped mission Sunday school, under the superintendence of Mr. D. R. Eunson. During the years of assisted immigration, a sub-committee was told off regularly to visit the Immigration Barracks to befriend the new arrivals generally, and to render all needed assistance by counsel and practical aid to friendless girls. In this department of its work the Association rendered service of the highest importance and value to many young strangers. It also during two periods employed female missionaries, or Bible women—Miss Nevison (now in Scotland) and Miss Campbell—but lack of funds necessitated the relinquishment of this branch of work. By its removal to the premises in Moray Place its work has been increased in every department, and its expenses proportionately. Still, with its membership of 267, financially it is in the