Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/271

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During the hot and dusty weather a refreshing draught of some cool non-intoxicant is very welcome, and to meet this requirement the manufacture of aërated waters and cordials is one of Dunedin's industries. During the summer months the demand for these articles is very great. All descriptions of cordials, &c., are manufactured. Messrs Thomson & Co. (Police street), Messrs Lane & Co. (Maclaggan street), Messrs Bennett & Son (Great King street), and Mr J. D. Feraud (Maclaggan street), are all engaged in this industry.


A country labourer on being told that the beer at the village inn was bad, replied: "Noa, noa, there be no bad beer: some on it be better than t'other, but there beant none on it bad!" So far as Dunedin beer is concerned, the foregoing opinion might be correctly applied. Whether the water of Dunedin is specially adapted for brewing—as is supposed to be the case at famous beery Burton—or whether the manipulation of the ingredients is better understood, there is at all events something about Dunedin beer which makes it a favourite tipple from the Bay of Islands to the Bluff. Among the breweries of Dunedin the City Brewery, owned by Messrs Speight & Co., has of late years taken the leading place. From comparatively small beginnings they have gradually crept up to the front rank, and their new premises lately erected in Rattray street contain one of the most complete and extensive plants in the colony. Mr Maurice Joel, Messrs McGavin & Co., The Dunedin Brewery Co., Mrs Strachan's Trustees, and Mr S. R. Briggs (of Caversham), also carry on an extensive brewing and malting business.


A very useful industry is that carried on by Mr J. Durston at his Bone, Oil, and Tallow Mills at the Kaikoria, where what would otherwise be waste material is converted into valuable articles of commerce. The whole establishment being kept in such a state of cleanliness that the slightest offence possible is given to the sense of smell.

The Chemical Works of the New Zealand Drug Company (Messrs Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Limited) at Burnside are an extensive block of buildings with large yards, and are provided