Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/297

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ancient traveller, if such a one existed, could walk dry-footed from one spot to another, we now swoop merrily along the level road up to Dunoon, thence round Broad Bay and Grassy Point, until reaching Macandrew's Bay, the vista of Dunedin becomes fairly opened up, developing at every sweep some new beauty to admire. A few choice residences only have been built on this the best side of the harbour. Of these, the names of Colinswood, the home where Otago's foremost man (Macandrew) resided; Glenfalloch, the mansion of G. G. Russell, Esq., a citizen worthy of the highest honours; and pressing onward, as our nearly forty mile journey is somewhat exhaustive, we pass Anderson's Bay with its many villas, where law-makers, administrators, merchants, and professionals enjoy solace and retirement, if not seclusion, after the busy toil of the day, preparing for the morrow; and in good time for dinner we reach our hotel in the city.



The Peninsula furnishes another very enjoyable ride or drive, not so long as the previous one and hardly one whit less interesting, as in the first portion new attractions are exposed to view, and in the latter half, sights which, on our former trip, could be seen only by turning round are now a fair prospect lying before us unfolding at every turn something new and impressive.

Starting from the city the line of tramway may be followed to St. Clair, the favourite and health-giving resort of Dunedin citizens when holidays present the opportunity. Not being a very warlike race, and little up in big guns—we are flattered by the high encomiums bestowed on the three fortifications erected along the beach to defend the city from any would-be blackmailer. The visitor can leisurely inspect the St Clair Thunderer, proceed quietly along the sands, provided the tide permits, and inhale the healthful ozone, which the not always balmy breezes waft in towards the passer by, and renew or revive fading energies. Or if old father ocean declines to permit the liberty, there is the road by the racecourse by which the central battery can be inspected, and passing the temporary residence of His Excellency the Governor, onward by Tahuna Park Show