Page:Picturesque Dunedin.djvu/305

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the inspection of the visitor, which the spirited owners, Messrs. Ross and Glendining, will readily grant. Immediately opposite another extensive Woollen Factory is at work, being a branch of the Mosgiel establishment. Lower down the Valley, which has all been surveyed into townships, are the chemical works of Kempthorne and Prosser's Co'y., adjoining which are the Cattle Sale Yards and the Refrigerating Company's premises. Then further down the Valley, along the main road, lie numerous wool scouring establishments, the iron boiling mills of Smellie Bros., a large soap and candle factory, tanneries, and a couple of flour and oatmeal mills. Coal mining, brick and cement making, and several other industrial pursuits, find a habitation along the line of this Valley, which has received and deserves the name of the principal industrial centre in our Province.

Splendid views are had of the mountain scenery. Starting from Saddle Hill, the grand faithful sentinel standing as outer-guard, and passing along the Chain Hills, we rise to Flagstaff, the inner-guard, flanked by the Silver Peaks, so named from their colour; while in the distance rises the Lammerlaw, seemingly running into the Rock and Pillar Range, with their slightly snow-streaked peaks peering out as if part of the clouds, and nearer at hand stands Maungatua himself, backed up by the Lammerlaw, and its remarkable stone, surveying now smilingly and anon frowningly everything above, around, and beneath him.

Even when this survey is taking place, the horses are moving onwards, and after a sudden and somewhat rapid descent, for which a good brake and steady cattle are indispensable, the sea level may be regained; but to avoid unnecessary risk of being bogged and stuck, although at the loss of the sight, "o' some bonnie spots," the driver will take a little longer route and reach the road from Green Island Borough, celebrated for its hams and bacon, by an easier gradient, proceeding thence smoothly and comfortably along, and crossing the bridge over the Kaikorai stream, we are fairly on the high road to Boat Harbour, re-christened Brighton. A well-sheltered little harbour it is, where safe places for bathing can be selected, and in moderate weather the pleasures of boating and fishing can be indulged in; and as the country around has plenty attractions for riding, walking, or collecting specimens, Brighton has many of the requirements of a